Sunday, July 7, 2013

WTF, Part 2

Gone with the Wind... one of the very pillars of feminism, huh? Jesus. The four main female characters are a saint, a whore, a servant, and a selfish, immature, raving bitch.

It's easy to like Rhett, of course, because he's honest and charming, even if he is a complete scalawag. But oh- he tried, poor guy.

Entertainment Weekly rates this as the #10 greatest film ever. They say it was "long thought of as the ultimate 'women's picture.' But it's really Hollywood's most tragic romance."

I'll acknowledge that it is a disastrous relationship, but aren't you rooting for Rhett to leave this awful woman at the end? And god- they give us one last moment to think she's finally pulled her head out of her ass and realized that what's truly important is Tara. Yes, Tara! I'll go to Tara! Tomorrow is another day! I'll figure out how to get him back tomorrow!

Nope. No matter how many crises she endures, she never has a handkerchief or a clue. She manages through the worst things, yet never learns. The chance of Scarlett becoming a better person: THAT'S what's gone with the wind.

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