Tuesday, October 15, 2013

It's all I can do not to skip down the hallway.

Who just updated her resume and sent it off to her magnificent sister to be reviewed?  Yes, that would be me.  I am feeling superfabulous right now because I also have my other forms filled out and ready to go.  Tracy is making me feel awesome about my project, and I packed lots of veggies and fruit in my lunch.  I cooked dinner last night and am looking forward to leftovers.  I was just looking at my pedometer this morning and thinking I needed to get a new one and POOF!  Jeff had a bunch of free stuff for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so now I have a brand new Celebrity Apprentice pedometer.  It not only measures steps and miles, but it also measures calories and kilometers.  That may not come in handy, but hey, it’s fancy!  Oh, and guess what?  I transferred the credit card balance for the board to a credit card through my credit union, hoping for a lower interest rate than 27%.  I qualified for 9.25%, but I just found out that I'm not getting charged any interest at ALL, because it's a transferred balance.  Holy cow.

Last night I watched This Is The End, the silly apocalypse movie with Seth Rogan.  It’s a combination action/comedy and I actually got startled enough at one point that I yelled out!  Then I laughed, because I seriously cannot remember the last movie that made me do that. 

I have my review with the chiropractor today to go over my xrays, so it’s good that I’m all bubbly and happy now, because it’s not going to be good news.  He’s already told me I have the back of a 60-year-old woman and there’s a whole mess of vertebrae out of place.  Tracy says it’s like the Wii- this is the age I start out at, then I work towards something better.  Still, ugh.  And extra UGH, because I can’t even stand the thought of someone messing with my spine.  My massage was nice, though.  Not especially pleasant or relaxing, but very helpful.  My hips felt better immediately and I don’t think it’s even possible to do those stretches alone.  She pronounced my shoulders a rock garden and worked out the knots while I decided that the hole in the face donut is to let the drool fall through.  “I’m not hurting you on purpose,” she told me.  “I’m hurting you WITH purpose.”  Oh, well that makes all the difference.

I intend to tell this chiropractor that in order to see me again, he’s going to have to give me a deal.  Poor people need adjustments, too.  I think I’m going to work on my hips first, because they cause me the most pain and eventually, if I trust him, I’ll let him adjust my neck.  Ugh ugh ugh I can’t think about it.  Excuse me, I need to go lie flat on the floor for a while.

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