Sunday, March 2, 2014

Equine hairstyling?

I heard that someone else I haven't spoken to since middle school just died. No word on how, just that it happened, and no confirmation. I don't know why we always want to know how- if that satisfies morbid curiosity or if it helps us distance ourselves from that particular end and perhaps buy us some more time. Either way, it alarmed me enough that I had to go clean the kitchen and the bathroom. It's good, they're off my to do list now, but I still can't escape the need to process it through writing.

I am deciding not to panic about the new job. I think being intimidated is much better than staying where I'm at. I wrote some about the new job and I'll post that tomorrow. Emotion and a tail braids in the works. Thank you, voice recognition. That was supposed to say:

I've got a promotion and a pay raise in the works.

Arghhhh, will resume tomorrow on an actual keyboard.

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