Saturday, March 8, 2014

Saturday means time for eggs.

My cat alarm clock went off and I dutifully got up and zombied my way into the kitchen to feed her. I had already cracked open the can and was putting it in her bowl when I saw it was 3am. Dammit cat.

My cat alarm clock is very effective- you should get one. Here's how it works: when the cat wants me to get up, she leaps across my head and lands with all the intense pressure she can, since she's too light for me to wake up with her just walking on my bed. It's so alarming to be dead asleep and feel a hard landing either right in front on your face or just behind your head. I think the only way I've been woken less gently was courtesy of my Stephen King smoke alarm.

Yesterday I got my offer letter and confirmation that my promotion starts 3/9. Then at 3:30, I got my start date. I'll be working half days in each place for two weeks, but that's fine, as it really doesn't add anything to my commute that I wouldn't have already. I think it's also nice because you know how tired you get when you start a new job? Just being on for so long and trying to absorb as much as possible? I'm starting in the afternoons, so it will be business as usual for my Monday morning- nothing to get nervous about. Also, my hours will be changing. I'll be more of an early bird now, which is tough, but that means I'll be more likely to find parking! I'm excited. And hey- I just finished my last full day at the call center.

I can't tell you how many people at work have told me that I am perfect for this job. It certainly sounds interesting and varied, with lots of freedom and responsibility, and I am only nervous about doing a good job. I wonder what these people see, but I am not going to worry about it- I am going to charge on ahead and learn this new job and be super happy to not have to sit all day long anymore. And just by the nature of the parking situation, I will easily get twice the number of steps I would get all day at the call center just by walking into work at my new job. (Isn't that scary?) I was getting so depressed about the lack of steps at my job that I stopped wearing the pedometer. I read that the average amount to maintain weight is about 10,000 steps. Some days I had less than 3,000 steps and that was AFTER walking the dog. On weekends, I'll get as much as 16,000, and then I need naps. Maybe now I can even that out a bit. I'm excited that this job is going to be healthier. I won't be sitting all day, it's mentally stimulating, and while I will still be working with vets, I will be able to see some resolution instead of just the problems.

Yesterday, a coworker went to Whole Foods for lunch and brought back flowers.

I watched it open up all afternoon.

So today I'm going to do my normal Saturday nonsense- try to do too many chores and errands- but I'm also going to the art museum for their free admission day. They close at 6, so I'm going to go pretty late, as their parking lot is very small.

I'm also going to try to clear my table, start a puzzle, and read. I went to the thrift store looking for The Princess Bride, because Shannon and I have a very loosely coordinated book club, but of course it's not at the used bookstore or any thrift store, because nobody is going to donate that book. All copies- in any branch- are checked out of the library, so I am going to have to buy that sucker. I did find these:

I had the left two on my want list, but I had heard so much about the last one that I snapped it up. It's good- the first two stories made me cry- but it's depressing as all hell. Did I already tell you about that? Well, Jennyway. Beautiful Ruins got great reviews, and Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat, Pray, Love was actually really good, no matter what the trailer looked like.

Ok, my stomach is growling and I have a lot to do, so ta ta for now. OH- and The Wire is getting really good! It's a good thing I don't have the next few episodes, or I would not be writing this now. I'm not even usually a fan of TV shows. I did watch the first episode of Breaking Bad something like two weeks ago, but I guess I'll have to watch a couple more before I'll know if I'm hooked. That's on the streaming side, Tracy, but The Wire is through the mail. Oh, Netflix, I love you so. The sun is creeping up over my porch and into my eyes, so now I really have to go. It burns, it BURRRRNNNSS!!!!!

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