Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cuteness and Boxing (Huh?)

Welcome, Shannon!

It's a good thing I'm on spring break.  I just realized that March is almost half over and I need to read a non school related book to keep up with my resolution.  I think I will cheat and find something short.  I do have a couple books on standby but two are long and one is long and clinical.  Our counselor recommended that one to us- it's on mindfulness.  I thought it would be full of exercises but sadly no.

Chris and I are headed out to Target to find 99 cent packages of cardstock.  We're also hitting the post office because we know how to have a good time.  Tonight I'm making veggie lasagna.  Last night we had leftovers.  I don't usually do leftovers, I just leave them in the fridge and yell at everybody else to eat them.  I made some broccoli slaw (Nummmmmmm) and we ate reheated crescent dogs and beans.  I'm so happy to be home in the evenings that I started cleaning the kitchen even though I made dinner.  Ant brought his dishes in and cried, "Jenny, you don't have to do that!  I'll clean up!"  Yes, he actually said that.

Chris found a projector at a thrift store, some fancy expensive thing priced very, very low.  The guy told him that it was busted but it turns out it was just extremely out of focus.  I love that we are a scavenging family.  :D  Now we have a movie theater in the living room.  Ant's friends are very excited about it so last night Christian brought over a DVD he'd borrowed from our neighbor, Harold.  Harold is a boxer and the DVD was a compilation of his fights.  He won all three of the matches I saw, though it didn't look like he would.  In one he got knocked down twice only to get back up and win by unanimous decision.  Harold came by looking for Christian and the DVD only to find us watching it on the giant screen.

"Man, I want one of those so bad..." he said.

He watched a little bit of a fight with us and told us we were coming up on the knockout.  Up until that point it had looked pretty even but there was an opening and Harold took it.  It's amazing to me how tired boxers can be but once they see that opening they pull power from somewhere.  During that fight and the two others I saw, the announcers ended up rooting for Harold.  They loved how he just did not give up.  In the post-win interview after the fight where he got knocked down, he said that he would have to be on his back, unconscious, before he'd stay down, and that's what I saw in all of his fights including the ones I found online.  What a tough guy, yet you'd never know it from the way he is with his stepdaughter, Lila.

Lila is the 6-year-old who loves Ant because he looked like Justin Bieber.  (His hair is gone now.)  A while ago I found this note on the ground, stepped on.

It says:

Der Anthy
I am sab
I wil not lisn to you.
I do not lik you.

Lila is quite dramatic and her feelings change often, so don't worry.  Ant is very nice to her- he is really good with little kids.

One day this summer she wiggled through the door and started investigating our living room.  She found the Snoopy piggy bank that Ant got me for Christmas one year and begged us to let her have it.  I couldn't, of course, because it was a gift from Ant, so Chris promised we'd get her a different one.  For months, every time she saw us she was asking for her piggy bank.  I finally found one the other day at the dollar store- a cute little ceramic elephant.  Ant saw it on the coffee table and volunteered to take it over to her- he adores being adored.  :D  It might have been the next day that Ant brought this to me:

Oh my god, stick a fork in me.  How cute is that?  I immediately taped it up on the cupboard.  I saw Lila's mom a few days later and she said it was especially nice because Lila's piggy bank broke the night before Ant brought ours over.  She said that while Lila did have a piggy bank that whole time, she loves them and seems to want to collect them.  Now I'm inspired to do nothing but find piggy banks for Lila.


  1. vegetable lasagna sounds so yummy, and what a cute little note.

  2. That is very cute. Ant is a good kid, and you definitely had a hand in that, Jenny. :)
