Saturday, March 19, 2011

No good deed goes unpunished.

Would you believe we brought four escaped doggies back home today?

I was harassing Chris to come help Ant and I clean up today when Ant's friend Christian brought a little dog over.  He had no collar, of course.  He had been wandering nearby.  I hate it when there's no collar.  That means it will be an all day adventure and we'll have to make a sad trip to the shelter.  Both this one and the last little boy really took to me, probably because of my totally weak energy.  Jasmine was gentle and Riley was beyond excited- she adores little boy Chihuahuas.  He camped out in my lap for most of the afternoon as the boys went apartment to apartment.  Somewhere around 4 we decided to take all three dogs for a walk.  The little guy knew exactly what that meant.  I found one of Riley's old skinny collars and hooked him up to her leash.  Outside, we started to loop the block but Chris thought we should walk down the street where Christian found the dog in the hopes that someone would be out looking for him.  About halfway down the street the dog pulled towards a driveway.  Ant unhooked him and he ran straight to his door.  The guy hadn't even noticed he was gone.

Later, on a very busy street I saw a big black dog trotting down the sidewalk.  As we pulled over we saw another little black dog in a driveway.  The big dog joined the second one as I approached the yard.  He charged me so Chris went out after them.  He got past the two and up to the door where the grateful owner was surprised to see her dogs outside.  The gate was open.

After we got the washers going we went to pick Bubba up.  On our way out of the neighborhood we saw another dog running down the sidewalk with no collar.  Jeez!  He was freaked out and ran when we started to follow him.  He went into a yard so we pulled over.  The front door was open.  As the boys went up to ring the doorbell the dog circled around them and ran inside.  They closed the door and we left.  I sure hope that's where he lived, lol.

When we got home, Chris and I started putting our bedding back on.  I saw a little spider and Chris scooped him up with paper.

"Take him outside," I requested.

"As long as he behaves," Chris replied.

Spider removal complete, we flopped on the bed and watched a few minutes of Kill Bill edited for TV.  ("Your name is Buck and you like to -party-".  And then she drives off in the -Party- Wagon.)

What do I get for all this positive animal karma?  We're sitting there on our own bed watching a movie and


I go pull my pants off and there's a welt on the back of my leg.  I look in the leg of my pants and there's an ant crawling around.  How the hell did I get an ant in my pants?  That little asshole!  But even though he started it, I didn't crush him.  But I'm done with good deeds today.

1 comment:

  1. You took care of several people's good deeds, it would seem. Hooray for softies. ;)
