Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Have fun, dammit.

And suddenly I am cranky.  Today is Wednesday and spring break is half over.  Somebody call the Waahmbulance.  I am trying to wrestle my mood and try to be happy that if today were a normal day, I would have only just gotten home instead of getting up to no alarm, hanging out with my honey, meeting a friend for lunch, taking the dogs to the park, bathing Riley and watching Unbreakable with her and Chris.  And then Chris helped me make dinner.  Tough day, right?  Well, there is a danger in Chris helping- he alters the recipe.  He loves to experiment in the kitchen and never follows a recipe.  He always adds extra spices and tells me not to worry when ingredients get added in the wrong order (Gaaarrgggghh!) but tonight he added colby jack cheese to the lasagna.  No, no, please noooo...kay.  Well, maybe it will be some new twist that's really awesome.  Because how bad can it be to add more cheese?  I hope?

At least I wasn't baking.  He likes to experiment with baking too, which you know is dangerous.  At least with cooking there's some room to experiment.  Some of his creations have been pretty damn good, but he's still trying to live down the olive oil cookies.  Gross.

Soooo... Chris and I have spent a lot of time together this week and it has been fun.  We've walked every day and gotten some things organized and cleaned up.  Riley has been following me everywhere.  Today on the way home from the park we stopped at Blockbuster.  I went in and left everyone in the Dodge.  I came out with Megamind and 127 Hours and giggled at Riley and Jasmine in my seat, panting on the window.  Both of them jumped into the back to sit on Ant and his friend Christian so I was Riley-less on the ride back.  At home, I got out and went to check the mail.  The boys moved slower and by the time I was walking around the building with the mail they were just coming around from the parking lot.  Ant had Jasmine, but they had no idea where Riley was.  I called her just as she came running around from the mailboxes, trying to catch up with me.  <3  She's currently curled up at my feet.  Love my little girl.

I decided I was going to enjoy this break and I am not going to start being a poopy pants now.  I am going to go find a fun March book and wait for the cheesy lasagna.

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