Sunday, February 17, 2013

Like Dog Mom, Like Dog

At dog class yesterday, the instructor asked us to work on problems specific to our dogs. They asked me to work on Riley's socialization. I was sent down the main aisle and I did that a couple times, baffled, until I figured out that I had to ask people to greet Riley. Oh shit- I have to socialize.

Don't you hate it when you're busy working on what you think is a random problem in your life only to discover that IT'S ALL RELATED!? And while you might be perfectly aware of the main problem, sometimes you'd like to put that away for a short while and deal with a lighter problem. But no! It's all connected to that main problem that is too big to tackle and you'd have no idea where to start, anyway.

The instructor suggested I come to the store sometimes for a ten minute meander or over to the Home Depot across the street. "The more she gets out, the better she'll get at socializing." Yes, but what about Riley?

Ha ha sigh... Well, fine, I guess they pegged my dog and- unintentionally- me, but how neat that I have an easy way to meet people built into this cute little dog of mine? This class is giving me some very clear directions on how to practice socializing Riley with the side benefit of socializing me. So that's how to fix the big problems- practicing the seemingly easy fixes for the small problems. Big fat kudos to me for signing up for the class in the first place. See, I knew it would be good for us both- I just had no idea how far those benefits could reach.

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