Friday, February 22, 2013

WTF, morning?

Start out crashing at 2:15 this morning, then wake up at 5:30 from a horrible dream.  I suppose I was overdue for a mini-breakdown, I have been doing well for a while now.  It was still not enjoyable and I had to wake up fully so I could remind myself that things are okay.

Go to work and have someone get offended at me blowing my nose.  Because it’s better to snuffle and snort?  Then- loudly- ask me what’s wrong with my neck and if I have shingles.  What the fuck?  I have a combination going on of perhaps more sensitive skin than I thought, lotion applied before bed, skin scrunched at night when I’m asleep, and sweat?  Then cat nuzzles.  I’ve stopped putting lotion on my neck before bed, but yeah.  Did you have to holler that out for the whole fucking office to hear?  Jesus.

It’s 8:19.  I have half a Subway sammich in my lunch bag.  It’s Friday.  Pull it together.  Maybe you need to break out the Diet Pepsi a little earlier than usual.  Sheesh.

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