Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Shooting for 70

Ten minutes left on my lunch on a crazy busy day!  Guess I'd better write directly into the spot o' blog.

It may be the day after a holiday and therefore insanely busy, but the boss approved my request for leave weeks ago, so I'm off at 12:30 to take my little girl to get microchipped.  Oh my god, I am so nervous.  I'm afraid it will hurt.  I think after the nail trimming episode, I'll have to hold her and feed her cookies.  I may need some cookies as well.

I thought I'd make an afternoon of it, and take her to this big park to meet other little doggies.  It's supposed to be snowing, so we'll see, but if that fails we can always go to Home Depot.  I'll bring plenty of cookies.  Then we'll go home, clean the apartment, bake some banana bread, and watch a movie.  Maybe it will wait to snow until we're safe at home, snuggled into our cozy home, RFID'd and tracked by the government.

I was pulling in calls like crazy because I feel guilty for taking off early.  Jeff remarked about the number of calls in the queue and we talked for a moment.  He said his number of calls taken had only just surpassed the number of calls waiting.  I said I'd gotten 56 so far and I saw him wince slightly.  He is a little competitive.  It's probably a good thing to fire him up, though, because one of the other 3 Amigos left sick.  He's going to have to lead the charge all afternoon.  I feel bad, but this was one of the few free microchipping days and the only one that I know exactly where they're giving them.

Back to the phones!

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