Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tick tock tick tock

If this is my life forever, I will stick a fork in my eye.

Since that doesn't sound fun either, I will decide here and now that this will not be my life forever. No wonder people get bitter and lazy- I'm not even excited about weekends anymore. This would be a much better reference if I could remember the guy's name, but we'll call it The Na-Na Project until I can figure it out. Anyway, among this guy's many brilliant ideas was the suggestion that robots can do all the work and people should be free to explore the world and their creativity. Yes, yes, yes.

No, that doesn't exist yet, so in the meantime I must change jobs often to entertain myself and increase my pay grade. But Jesus God, the thought of spending 40 hours a week doing anything the government needs does not sound like a great deal to me. This is why I hate stability- because it is so flippin BORING.

I need a new job- I know that. Gimme me raise and I'll go find one. Today I only got about 70 calls in, thanks to some very talkative problem children. But really, it was a good thing. I helped a lot of people today. I left them feeling like their problems had been resolved or at least addressed. I got called a sweetheart. One guy was in tears as he told me I was the kindest person he'd spoken to. He did not provide a time frame for that compliment.

Earlier I thought: Jeez, only 70 calls? Now I realize that it's still a lot- especially for a Thursday. I would not have recognized that if not for writing this. And I am kind. Even to the exasperating people. Even though I may throw my hands up because they can't see me, I still try hard to help them, and sometimes I win them over.

I have made friends in Specialty- the department we have much trouble with. I try to help them. They recognize that, and they appreciate and acknowledge my efforts. How nice is that?

Lately I've been going in early to catch up on training, and that makes for long days. There isn't much time for fun or relaxation at home, because I need to make my lunch, lay out clothes, and go to bed early. It feels like I accomplish nothing.

But I have a strategy tonight: I will set the timer.

I bought a $5 foot long for dinner, so half of that is ready for lunch tomorrow.

It's laundry night.

I have a guest coming in less than a week.

Motivation is about doing whatever works to accomplish the goal. Why do I work harder if the timer's on? Who knows? Who cares.

It must be past 6:30, because Riley is making little whiny noises. You ha five minutes to get the animals fed. The clock starts... now.

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