Thursday, February 21, 2013

Now we'll all have a big, poufy bed.

When will I learn not to start a load of laundry until the dryer is clear? I assume that everyone operates on a timer.

So here I am after my hour of productivity. Kitchen's clean, laundry's mildewing in the washer (grrrr), and things are being put away. I was surprised to see that an hour had passed, thanks to a Cake cd.

The bricks and mortar
Have all given way
At first they resisted,
But then they began to sway

Nowadays, driving to Topaz is the only time I get to sing in the car, because that's how short my commute is. I have a one-song commute. Allow me to complain some more about my job. And actually, sometimes I don't go right home from the store or wherever. I'll just drive and drive so I can sing. You can't wail your lungs out in an apartment.

So as for this picture, I bought a big ass dog bed for Riley because I kept waking up to find her sprawled halfway off her bed onto the floor. These big, poufy beds were on clearance for a crazy price, so I brought one home. Riley loved it, but towards bedtime, found that Solo had claimed it. Riley sadly headed to the little bed that's too small for her. Tonight I bought another- to hell with it! They can both have the soft, poufy bed. Up front here in the living room is Riley, camped out on the bed before I could even put it where it goes. And way in the back, in my bedroom, curled up and content- having evicted Riley again- is Solo.

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