Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Celebrating Bring Your Daughter to Work Day a little early

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Would you like to come and sit in front of my new dog breath fan?
 My apartment complex is having all the windows and doors replaced by the airport in an effort to reduce the sound of aircraft flying overhead.  It was apparent for a little while when I moved in, but I quickly tuned it out.  Besides, the noise provided fond memories of my Air Force days.
“Jesus Christ!” I yelled to Mom from my balcony in Turkey over the roaring on the runway.  “What the hell is that?”
“It’s a C-5,” she said over the phone from halfway around the world.  Yep, that would be an air traffic controller.
So Jennyway, this door and window replacement project will be taking forever.  They’ve already come in to measure everything, but today was sound testing.  They’ll be doing this before and after the project.  I was informed that the cat could stay, but the dog could not, as they would be turning off the fridge and any loud clocks, etc.  No yappy dogs allowed.
Oh my god, by belly is so full, I think I will explode.  Arrggghhhh!
I was looking forward to having a couple hours off at the dog park, but my pseudo boss asked if I could come to work and just leave her in the car… for two hours.  Um, no.  But I can bring her in here!  When he told my boss that he’d given me permission to briefly bring my dog in, she balked.  He pointed out that it was either a temporary dog or being down one very awesome scheduler first thing in the morning and she relented.  I was instructed to hide Riley, but Riley was not aware of this.  She would not stay in her bed behind my filing cabinet, choosing instead to wander around my cubicle and attempting to explore elsewhere.  I put her in my lap, where she had no room to lie down and I tried to work over her.  Finally, I put her in my extra chair, where she would stay until I was out of sight for too long, then jump down awkwardly and come looking for me.  She made friends with several people, especially John, who had beef jerky in his desk.  I had to drag her out of his office.
Now she’s home.  We are both so high-maintenance that it’s hard to leave our routine.  I need the leash, a poop bag, treats for bribery, a towel because it’s snowing and wet outside, her dog bed, a bag to carry her dog bed, her sweater… did I forget anything?  Oh yeah, then there’s all my crap.  Plus, I would have rather stayed in bed this morning.  Oh well.  It would have been rainy, miserable, and lonely at the dog park anyway.

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