Saturday, March 9, 2013

Will I make it three blogs or will I finally get up?

I get lots of ads from Blogger, the most recent of which was "The Dunkin Donuts ap is finally here!" Oh, does it tell you how much each donut shortens your life span? How long you have to run to work it off? Does track your donuts and tell you how close you are to diabetes?

By the way, someone told me the other day that they are "hippoglycemic." It's supposed to be a long vowel sound, like hi, not like hip. Hypoglycemic, like hypochondriac and hydroelectric. Cracked me up, and conjured visions of Fantasia.

So it's 9:30 and I'm still in bed. Ahhh. I told Riley last night that we could sleep in, but Solo did not the memo. She started mewing in my ear at 6:18. I guess I do have a backup alarm clock.

I'm going back to Kohl's today for some more of these perfect, heathered, thin, v-neck t-shirts with my 30% off coupon. I can use it until it expires, WHAAAAAAAAT?

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