Friday, March 1, 2013


Yesterday, Shannon and I started out with breakfast at Squeeze In. The name comes from the original restaurant in Truckee, where they were squeezed into a small space, but it could easily also refer to what you do with their food. They have other options, but the main draw is a long list of omelets that you may doctor as you like. The omelets are huge and yummy, but there is no yummy like their potatoes- all crispy brown. You can order them with cheese and onion and oh my god... maybe they should call it Squeeze Out as you try to fit through the door.

We walked Riley, then headed to Savers to look for terrible ceramics. I found a couple puzzles and Shannon found books. Then we found a crazy meth head in line behind us. He managed to tone down the crazy while he was in the store, but it started to escape as he made his way through the checkout. By the time he got outside, he was yelling his meth head off, but he just packed up his bag and walked off to alarm some more people.

Then it was time to get Riley and drive to Carson to meet Mike and Elaine. Riley was wiggling and making excited noises the moment their car pulled up. I deposited her in Elaine's lap and Riley covered her in kisses, then settled down and sighed. Okay, well I guess she'll be alright. We chatted while I petted Riley through the window, removed her eye boogers, and asked her to be good. Mike was shaking his head at me as I cooed at Riley, reminding me that it was only a few days. Elaine added that I had Shannon to hang out with, so Shannon says, "Yeah, you can pet me... and pick my eye boogers." Mike immediately choked on his laughter and needed a moment to compose himself.

Dogless, we drove to the next thrift store. I'm not sure what's going on, but the thrift store in town seem to think all their donations are dipped in gold. Prices on useless knick-knacks have risen past unreasonable and right on to insane. All of the places we visited yesterday seem to think they are art galleries, even though we had to leave one early because someone pooped in the store.

We thrifted until nothing else was open, and we did find some truly hideous things that nobody was ever going to buy, although some lady did stop me to compliment one of them. I asked her if she wanted it and Shannon was ready to kick me, because she wants to shoot it. Eventually we went straight to dinner because there was no dog to walk at home. We went to Great Basin Brewery, where Shannon had a taste "flight" and sampled six of their beers. The guy next to us was also taking a flight, but was not nearly as much of an expert as Shannon, who asked for the beer's IBUs. "What's that?" asked the guy next to us. "The International Bitterness Unit," she explained. The international bitterness unit?

We had just started a conversation with this guy, who voluntarily referred to his wife and gave off no creepy man vibes, when our table beeper went off. I asked Shannon if she wanted to invite him to sit with us, as he was on a business trip and seemed like a friendly person who was not hitting on anyone. She said she was thinking the same thing, but didn't know if I'd be game and congratulated me for socializing. So Carl came to sit with us and we had a fun, chaste conversation, mostly about travel. That was a good time and a nice confirmation that it's possible for a man not to be a total lech. Go Carl!

From there, we went to Walmart for glucose tabs and road snacks. I've been buying the little rolls of ten and just cannot keep them on hand. This time I finally saw that they have big bottles of fifty for a cheaper price. I am thrilled, and currently stocked with 200 glucose tabs. We came home, Shannon entered the beers she tried into her beer app, and all three ladies (including Solo) fell asleep.

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