Saturday, April 27, 2013

Side Notes

Dad bought a new patio set and called me after he set the old ones out front with a sign on them that said FREE.

"Are they gone yet?" I asked.

"I just put them out there," he replied.

Yes, so are they gone yet?

He said there was a garage sale up the street and he hoped that their customers would drive around the neighborhood to check for more sales. Then he says,

"Hang on, someone's at the door."

Hahahaha told you!

Sure enough.

Another thing making me laugh:

I've still been taking Riley to dog class for socialization and just a way to get her out of the house and go do something together. This woman in class with me is the most ADD, distracted, fluttery, hummingbird-like person I think I have ever met. She sputters out questions faster than she can hear the answers. So, people are like their dogs, right? Guess what kind of dog she has. A Golden Retriever puppy.

Last week, she brought a friend with her and he sat in on our class. He just sat and watched, occasionally making observations. Riley was immediately drawn to him and let him just pet and pet her. He was cradling her head- can you believe that? She rarely accepts that from people she loves, and she is not very trusting of strangers. The instructor was so impressed with the Golden's sudden resistance to distraction. The dog's whole demeanor was levels calmer and her owner was unsure about how to accept that, swearing that this behavior was completely abnormal. Then she told us that it had to be the presence of her friend that was making such a difference. She said everybody is calmer when he's around. So what's his name? Yogi.

Of course.

(According to the book I'm reading, "a great Yogi is anyone who has achieved the permanent state of enlightenment." My dictionary app says it's anyone who practices yoga, which is not exactly the same thing.)

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