Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Cannot contain my glee

It was almost 100 something like all of last week- right up until the thunderstorm yesterday. Today it was supposed to be 84.

Riley would not poop this morning because she wanted to get back inside to her treat ball, which contained breakfast. (Mental note: don't put it down for her until AFTER the walk.) I hauled ass back home at lunch to take her out, because no one likes coming home to find poop on the floor. Well, Riley was NOT expecting me. She had clearly been sleeping, and her expression showed it. Her eyes were wide, ears back, and her mouth in a tiny, alarmed line. Eventually she said hi, but it was a much more subdued version of her 5:00 wiggle. I took her out, "Quick potty, Riley. Quick potty!" but she smelled every step on the way down and just flopped down on the sidewalk.

So I ushered her back inside and noticed how much nicer it was inside than outside, so I opened the windows. I came home to ahhhhhhhh. And no poop. Good dog.

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