Monday, June 10, 2013

Change of plans... again

I Joined a Meetup group- the hiking one. They had a "leisurely" hike scheduled for this evening and I stopped debating, joined, and RSVP'd. It said dogs were welcome. This was it- there I go!

But it was still raining and the hike got canceled. Thwarted. Really? While I'm all busy being brave over here? What gives? What is the universe trying to tell me?

Perhaps you think this would be a great time to go to the gym, but let's not get too excited. I think I'll play some Wii and do some fake running and punch the snot out of some other poor Mii.

I couldn't take Riley for a walk because she is a delicate girl who will melt in the rain, so I hooked her leash to my belt while I puttered around and did chores. She thought she was being punished, but we got a good 45 minutes of obligatory movement in there.

Oh, and I keep forgetting to post this final picture of the puzzle Mom sent me- I know you've all been holding your breath. Don't you want these stamps now? I do.

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