Saturday, June 15, 2013

Shadows have got to faster than that

I was finishing up my last few chores when I noticed a moth hanging out on my wall. I caught him in a glass and moved him outside, closed and locked my door as usual, then went to wash out my trash can and recycle bin in the bathtub. I put those on my balcony to dry, sat down to check that off my list, and heard a suspiciously familiar little bark outside. I open the door, and there's Riley sitting on my doorstep, looking a little upset.

"What are you doing out here?" I asked her.

She danced inside, relieved and giving me kisses.

I can only imagine her following me right out the door to release the moth and the look on her little face when the door closed. But my good girl just stayed on the doorstep and waited to be let in.

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