Monday, May 23, 2011

Today So Far

Wake up at 6:30, do not hit snooze alarm for once.  Take shower, tell Chris its time to get up.  Chris shakes his head no.

Go to school, wait outside with 3 other classmates for someone to unlock building door.  One classmate breaks out frisbee, starts playing with other classmate.  Game continues maybe two minutes before frisbee owner breaks frisbee during extreme catch.  Someone opens door.

Four classmates proceed to class, no one there.  Half of class + teacher is missing.  Classmates wait, wonder how long before they can leave without getting into trouble.  Teacher arrives.  Two more classmates show up very late.

Try to stay awake.  Teacher says she's sure students hung over from weekend.  During break, teacher goes up to office, brings down very tiny, very full pot of coffee, cups, sweetener, creamer, spoons, and cookies.

Class ends, have to pee, go see if Chris is outside yet.  He is, so get into Dodge and listen to one side of phone conversation.  Direct Chris with hand signals to the transportation office.  Miss turn, attempt to redirect, get Chris stuck in dead end parking lot.  Redirect again, make it to transportation office.  Chris ends phone call, go in, begin filling out form, Chris talks about work, gets cut off because transportation lady is ready.  Buy parking pass.

Leave transportation office, Chris lays out day's schedule- includes 1:00 meeting.  Listen to another phone call, pull into Sonic, pee.  Back in Dodge, Chris still on phone, hasn't ordered.  Impatiently point to clock.  Chris leaves Sonic, ends phone call, drives to Burger King, orders food, drives thru, drives towards Starbucks for 1:00 meeting.  Visit with Chris.  Chris answers another phone call, pulls into center of parking lot, puts car in park, starts to get out.  Ask what the hell, Chris says take car.  Ask where and why, since not enough time to do anything.  Chris parks.

Get out, tell Chris to save seat, want to take picture of self in crazy mural on wall by Starbucks, be inside in moment.  Chris says no, cannot sit together, going to business meeting.  Roll eyes, take picture.  Wonder if kosher to sit in Starbucks without buying drink, decide against it.  Roll down windows, sit in car, type blog.  Scary criminal type walks by Dodge, slows to look at keys in ignition, evaluates female with laptop inside vehicle.  Wait until criminal is out of sight, lock doors, roll up windows halfway, hide keys.  Roast in car.

Move Diet Coke out of sun, set on center console.  As Diet Coke gets emptier, wonder if wind will blow over, spilling soda onto Chris's seat.  Decide this would be okay.

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