Saturday, May 28, 2011

What a nice day!

This morning I made exploding egg sandwiches.  Chris asked me to give him his sandwich at his desk but I refused.  He came to the table, sat down, and started eating his sandwich.  The yolk promptly exploded and he thanked me for making him eat at the table.

For reasons only known to him, Chris was wearing only a towel at breakfast.  It's hard to eat eggs together, so I was last to the table.  Chris was distracted and did not hear my first comment.  I said, "I feel like we're in a hut," and Ant started laughing.  I turned to Ant and said something about Daddy in his loincloth and Ant started sputtering milk.  Chris caught on.

"Did you just say loincloth?" he asked.

After the laughing fit calmed down we had a little time for family conversation before Chris got up to go get ready.  He stopped on the way to pick something up and- hands full of dishes- lost his towel.  He screamed and nobody could stop laughing for the next five minutes.  Ant was in tears and couldn't talk.

After Chris left, Ant read his book.  I'm starting to feel a little relief- I was feeling like an evil stepmother making him read this book that starts so slow.  He's getting more into it so I'm not worried anymore- it only gets better as it goes.

Somewhere around 3 I took Ant to the thrift store to escape the house for a little while.  He's still got a lot of reading to go, but breaks are necessary.  At Savers we spent two hours and $27, but here's what we got:

For Ant-
2 pairs of pants
2 pairs of boxers (I am less grossed out by this than used girl underwear)
2 books
one pair of sunglasses that went out of style in the 90's and is back again for some reason.

For me-
1 super cute green t-shirt with counting sheep
1 neat green dish towel in very good shape
1 pair of jeans

My jeans were $8.  And they fit.  And they look nice.  And they're not too short.  Beat that, Ross!  Savers can be a little pricier than other thrift stores, but there's no better place to look for clothes.  I tried on some really neat shirts but they looked way better on the hanger than they did on me.  This was sad, but oh well.  I got jeans for $8!  What's worse is that Savers is having a 50% off sale on Monday.  Oh, shit!  We'll be hitting up the Savers in Sparks that day.  There was some crazy nonsense about being able to get 50% off tomorrow if you sign up for their card, so I'll be doing that tonight and maybe we'll go tomorrow instead.  I felt shitty about spending $27 when I could have spent half that, but I bet Savers will be mobbed and besides, there's no way I could spend $27 on a pair of jeans that fit this well, let alone all the other clothes we got.

It's raining tonight, finally, so we're cooped up and reading.  Riley is percolating in the corner and I've got to go cook dinner.  Ant decided that he's going to finish his book tonight in the hopes of being free to play.  I'm not sure he'll finish that quickly, but I'm rooting him on anyway.  Go Ant go!

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