Tuesday, May 24, 2011

You can't make me. Nyah.

I am rebelling.  I have to give two presentations tomorrow on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland but I already used up all my good behavior on dinner.  I did have cheese bread but I counted it against my total allowed calories of the day and did not have enough left for Marie's ranch dressing.  Sigh.  I was good, and now I'm not interested in being good any longer.  I did not have a Diet Pepsi today but I did have coffee this morning so I cannot blame my headache on a lack of caffeine.  Garrrgghghhh.  There is a small Diet Pepsi calling me from the fridge but I do want to sleep tonight.  In fact, I'd better get cracking on these presentations so I can pass out early tonight.  Whine while whimper whimper waah waah waaahhh.  AND guess what.  The teacher was unaware of Monday being a holiday when she made the syllabus so she had to change things around today.  Our midterm was originally scheduled for June 1, which is funny because the class ends on June 2.  She didn't know what the hell that was about either.  So now the midterm is rescheduled but also changed to a take home essay.  That's due Thursday, so we'll get the question tomorrow and have... tomorrow night to answer it.  If I ever go back to school at any point ever, somebody please remind me never to take a class that's this compressed again.

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