Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Worst Jobs: Reno Meterologist

Somebody in here keeps telling veterans that regarding their requests, she'll "git 'er done."  Jesus.

Had a meeting with my counselor this afternoon and told her I was ok, but sad all the time and hanging on to delusions, unable to let go and unable to grateful for everything else that I do have.  "So then, you're doing great!"  Ha ha ha, yes, I suppose then I am right where I'm supposed to be.  I read an article on the plane- a very sad yet encouraging article- that quoted Rumi: "The cure for the pain is the pain."  Wonderful.  I'll be over here trying to get through my days.

On a brighter note, I've had several veterans call me "doll" or "sweetheart" over the past two days.  That makes me want to be a sweetheart.  I love that.  Maybe some people find that demeaning, but I think it must be in the manner it's presented.  No creepiness from those guys, just warm fuzzies.  Well, at least on my end.

Tonight it's off to get groceries and do laundry before the storms.  I'm told there are three, back to back, but we're supposed to get mostly rain.  Maybe it's time for Reno to flood again.  That's always exciting.

I was thinking I should get Riley a coat that has Velcro rather than her pullover sweater.  I doubt it would be as warm, but currently it's cold and I don't want to risk hurting her back by squeezing her in or out of the sweater.  And why don't I have a laser pointer to entertain the cat?  Serious cat owner failure.

I don't really want to be out doing either errand tonight, but the rain is supposed to stop soon and this is forecasted as our one clear night.  The wind is supposed to pick up tonight.  I am overhearing that it has started to snow.  Hmmm.

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