Monday, January 7, 2013

Roller coaster of devastation

The distance between the couch and the chair is two lab butt widths.

It looked like I would be snowed in, but Rob, one of the regulars, got my car up the steep ass driveway with the help of chains and the ingenious idea of going up backwards to put the weight of the car on the cables. He tried going up forwards many times and watching my car slide down the driveway was alarming, but he was very careful and kept it from sliding out of control. It's a good thing he got me out yesterday- I'm not sure it would have helped to wait until today.

I wasn't going to write all that, but I started it yesterday. I was resigned to staying another day, had already let my boss know when Rob offered to try to get me out. He had trouble that morning with his big chained up truck and we all thought I'd be stuck for sure. Topaz received buckets of snow- it was crazy- but up on the highway they had it all sanded and plowed. Rob followed me to Gardnerville just in case because we'd gotten reports of whiteout conditions and people sliding, but it was clear when we left and the roads were good.

I am on my break, out here walking and should be looking up and breathing fresh air, but I realized I was in a decent mood even while being aware that my relationship is dead. Sometimes I can forget about it and be happy, but it's not often I can say that it is present in my mind and I'm okay regardless. Progress, I'm sure. I will go back to being sad and angry and miserable- I was just sobbing in the shower last night- and I will go back to being happy again. Just wanted to note that I'm currently feeling aware and still mostly functional. There's a first.

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