Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Smart Cookies

Riley and I have been playing the cookie game. Every night after we go out for the last potty, I break her Milk Bone in half and hide the pieces. Riley waits in the other room until I tell her to come in and then she searches for her cookies.

I love the cookie game because she works hard to find them, which is entertaining for both of us. I love watching her sniff around and check devious places where I might have hidden them. She gives me ideas from where she thinks to look. She uses her nose more than her eyes and if she can't find one, she'll huff at me.

I have such a good time watching her. She keeps jumping up on the bed, so I guess I should try hiding one in the blankets. By the way, now she ONLY uses the ottoman to get up and down off the bed. It must be a relief, because now she'll voluntarily come up to hang out for a while at night before heading off to her own bed.

So I'm congratulating Riley as she finds one cookie and encouraging her to find the other and I find that we are apparently not the only ones that want to play the cookie game. Solo has found the cookie, dragged it out into the middle of the floor, and disappeared.

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