Monday, January 28, 2013

But the wheels are turning...

Normally, it's a pretty busy day if I can knock out 60 calls before lunch.  Today, I decided to try to just burn through and see if I could do better.  I gave myself the completely unreasonable goal of 70 calls.  Keep in mind that this is just before lunch, not the whole day.  We're looking at 3 1/2 hours.  I got 71.  I'm over here feeling all proud of myself...  And how many will I get by the end of the day?  That number will likely be less impressive, because I will surely lose steam and start hating my job again.  But hey- I'm starting out well!

Yesterday, as you know, did not go that well.  I ended up giggling at Frasier, but feeling a little empty, like I'm missing some real projects.  Then I read an article in Mental Floss (that I cannot find online) about Sir Richard Francis Burton, who was this crazy adventurer and scholar (How do you master 20+ languages?) who snuck into Mecca, among many other interesting journeys. Lots of neat stuff there, but what really stood out to me was that later on in life, he set up 11 different tables in his study with different books and papers on each and would just move between them throughout the day to work on many projects at once.  It was a lightbulb moment.  If only I had space for 11 tables!

Maybe I don't have 11, but I do have 2.  Some projects I can't leave out because I have a cat.  She makes off with puzzle pieces and she'll try to eat any loose embroidery thread that I leave out.  Then I have to slowly pull it out of her mouth while she gags, hoping I'm not tying up an internal organs.  Stupid cat.  But I'm learning how to work with the way I am, and I am a piler, not a filer.  I need to see these things in order to go work on them.  And maybe I have to contain some things, but I need to put them out where I can see them.  How neat would it be to have 11 tables in a cat-free environment, but in the meantime I will try to make my tables more conducive to projects.  Let me get some of these little ones out of the way, let me get a computer and internet going, then let's see what kind of bigger projects I can get going.

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