Sunday, January 27, 2013


Second dog training class and our instructor is on her honeymoon, so the main instructor is temporarily taking over. She came around to meet the dogs and kind of wilted at Riley.  "Awww, you're adorable!"  Well, look at her. She is adorable.

So Jenea invited me out last night to a casino/truck stop where she can drink cheaply. Casinos have managed to avoid the no smoking laws, and I could feel my first breath drag as I walked in the door. The next thing I saw was a guy on oxygen. Was he a smoker or has he just spent too many nights in casinos?

The bars were full, so we ate at the cafe first, then found two seats together at the bar with her favorite bartender, which was good, because no chair was empty all night. Last night was one of their big drawings. Locals are their bread and butter, so they announce the date of these drawings and if you don't make it to the announcer in two minutes after they call your name, you don't get the money. Keeps your ass on the casino floor.

Jenea always looks nice, even if we're going thrift store shopping, and she always dresses up to go out. When we were walking through the casino, some guy moved in front of her twice, trying to talk to her. She didn't even acknowledge him and we just walked past. When we sat down, I told her that I find it really unsettling when a guy a guy tries for a girl that is clearly out of his age range.

"Well, I'm dressed like a whore," Jenea explained.

I died.

Anyway, we had fun and made plans for some other fun things to do. I sang my way home until I got to the gate and realized that the place for my gate pass is probably not hanging on my key rack. I sat there looking at the buttons until someone turned in the driveway behind me and just drove in through the exit. Aha.

And then we get to today.

Woke up at six, because I'm trained now.

Went to pee, stepped in cat vomit. Cleaned up, went back to bed.

Woke up two hours later, didn't actually want to get up, so I laid in bed reading Facebook posts. Saw someone posted a picture of snow, looked outside. Immediately started getting a migraine.

Staggered into the kitchen, drank water and began a fruitless search for Tylenol.

Grabbed last night's clothes, plus my coat, which all reeked of smoke, carried them downstairs, head throbbing, found that someone was already doing laundry. Stepped on the jeans and coat sleeve on the way back upstairs, could not stop stepping on clothes, struggled upstairs.

Made biker breakfast, potatoes were mushy. Started to feel very sad.

Tried to figure out if two beers with food would really make me feel this bad. Realized it's probably the 3-4 hours in the casino smoke. Decided I can never feel like this again, may never see the inside of Western Village again.

Thought perhaps the snow would melt enough to walk the hill as planned, found that it was far too freezing outside without my warm coat. Smelled it to see if I could wear it, gagged.

Took the trash out on the way to walk Riley, found that some asshole smashed a beer glass behind my car, found one huge chunk of glass directly behind my tire. Wondered if I am extremely unpopular. Walked Riley, went back inside for broom and dustpan, and swept up the glass from a 15 foot diameter in the freezing wind, could not locate my hat.

Diet Coke break. Drove to Big Lots, looked at sad calendar options, bought Chicken Soup for the Soul instead of Yoga Cats.

Drove to Walmart, where I wept for humanity, then bought glucose tabs, grape tomatoes, and a Sunday paper.

Went home, did laundry, started preparation to bake rolls. And of course, homemade fresh baked rolls are heaven, but they are a lot of work. I started at 4 and immediately noticed that I could not knead in as much flour as usual. The dough did not rise much and I kept working through, hoping it would work out in the end. Of course, this is baking, not a movie, so it did not resolve itself and I just spend several hours wasting ingredients. Well, they are fresh baked, and they homemade. Hockey pucks, anyone?

I give up. Time for Frasier, leftovers, a bath, and bed. Maybe tomorrow will be a good day, because the Universe clearly thinks today is Monday.

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