Wednesday, January 30, 2013

They work if you use them.

Things I don’t need right now:
Emails that offer “50+ Fun Gifts for Valentine’s Day!”

I did get up, I did get to work super early, I did earn some comp time to make up for all the sick leave that gets eaten up by appointments.  Maybe I’ll store up enough to finally get sick.  I hover near the edge, but have not yet fallen victim to the cold/flu season.  How’s that for a compromised immune system!  Forget about my crappy pancreas- I am invincible!  I’m over here shaking my fanny at the Influenza Gods, which is probably a bad idea.  Of course, I’ve always been oblivious about my health- maybe I have already been sick and just didn’t know it.
Last night I dreamt that I went on a trip and it was so last minute that I forgot to pack my contacts.  I brought my sunglasses, which are useless without the contacts.  Today I wore my contacts to work… and forgot my sunglasses.
This super strict to-do list is probably a good idea for weeknights.  Otherwise I get depressed and don’t do anything except eat cheese.  Wouldn’t it be neat if I charged through the week, scooping cat poop and taking out the recycle along the way, and got to the weekend to find a clean house and few obligations other than fun?  Speaking of which, I’ve got to finish reading that book and start my paper.  Let me add that to the list.

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