Friday, February 1, 2013

Weeping Weenie

Wow, the way things go…

Last night I got a call from Chris letting me know that funds are on the way very soon and he is not forgetting about these bills or putting me on the backburner.  We were very cordial and after we hung up I cried, either out of relief, sadness, or both… or maybe I am just emotionally feeble.

Today I dragged myself into work early and got some more training done.  I was starting to reach maximum “Over it” mode when two things happened very close together.

Tracy sent me a link to an article about increased veteran suicides with the following note (and sorry if you didn’t want to share, but I’m already planning on sharing it with all my coworkers): “This made me think of you. When you start to feel unchallenged by your job, remember that your helpful, pleasant manner may brighten a veteran’s day.”

I cut that out and taped it to my computer screen.  What a succinct and poignant reminder!

If that wasn’t enough, an instant message popped up from one of the schedulers over in Specialty:


Her: I just wanted to say thank you for all your great work and clear call center notes!! You are fabulous and i appreciate it greatly :-)

Me: Wow, thanks! That really makes my day. :D

Her: No problem. I think when people are great they should be told so. And I see how hard you work considering I get a lot of call center notes. Just thought you would like to know that you are appreciated in this place!


Suddenly I have two really lovely notes that acknowledge what I’m doing and why it’s important.  I am appreciated and needed and I feel like crying again because I am that person now.  Smith’s is having a sale on Kleenex and I have coupons, so I guess I had better stock up now that I am an emotional weenie.  :D  That’s ok, there are worse things.

Wow.  Thanks, Tracy.  Perfect timing, really.

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