Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Two Tables

My smart, wonderful dog now ONLY uses the ottoman to get on or off my bed. I am so proud! I don't worry about her doing a face plant in the middle of the night or not quite making the jump, sliding off, and hurting herself.

And we play the cookie game nightly, which I find endlessly endearing and entertaining. And alliterative. Maybe I should have gone with always adorable and amusing. I've started incorporating some of the dog training and Miss Riley is happy to oblige for the potential of more cookies. The potential- not even the reward- is some powerful motivation.

Which makes me think about my own motivation. I need those lists. I decided to get to work early and thought about what I needed to do to make that happen and wrote my list. I didn't get everything done tonight that I had on my list, but there isn't much I love more than writing out a new list! Besides, I got a lot done that would not have happened otherwise. I've been thinking about those eleven tables and spending a little time on different projects, which sounds manic, but short bursts and a timer keep me working hard.

Let's see how tomorrow works out.

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