Saturday, February 2, 2013

Naptime for everyone!

Holy cow. One item into today's to-do list and I've already got 80% of today's steps in, according to my pedometer. Of course, that was a TWO HOUR WALK. 

Jody texted me at 8, asking if I wanted to walk the hill. That has been on my list for weeks now, and it kept getting dusted with snow. Her son is only one, so it's a long walk for him to cut the corner of the hill, but short for us. I tried to take both her dogs with me to finish the loop, but Lucy ran after Jody the moment she figured out that Mom was headed in another direction. Snoopy was game, though, so the three of us finished the hill, then took Snoopy home. Now we're home and exhausted, and I'm restrategizing my afternoon. I gave Riley a little food, after which will come a nap, and I'm considering the same plan. There are chores to do to and errands to run, but currently I am zapped. Who the hell said that exercise in the morning was energizing? Sheesh.

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