Sunday, March 31, 2013

Last post today, I promise.

Cesar is also the man whisperer.  "You can't rehabilitate unstable men with affection."

Excuse me, let me go tattoo that somewhere.

There were no tempting action movies, so I opted for the Dog Whisperer.  God, I love this show.

I just wanted to show you this picture.

I woke up this morning to find that Jeph had posted this, saying that he missed Reno Easters and tagged every one of us.  This is from 2006.  I made five Easter baskets filled with toys and nonsense.  I also hid who knows how many plastic eggs filled with god knows what- super glue, silly putty, plastic lizards... As you can tell, they had a great time.  You should have seen the five of them shoving each other around our little living room racing for the eggs.  Jody lived under us then- it must have sounded like a herd of elephants.  Every one of these boys moved out to Reno from Virginia under different circumstances, and our place was where they spent lots of holidays and many dinners.  Jeph always drank all the milk.  Once Ant came to live with us, Easters became a holiday for the three of us, though there was still much shoving over the plastic egg hunt.  Justin (far right) is the only one of the Lost Virginia Boys still living out here, and is probably still a regular for dinner.

I'm glad I made myself an Easter basket, because though I had to push myself to do it, I enjoyed having one.  I put up my vinyl stickers, painted my toes, and after I take Riley out for her potty, I'm going to do a couple word puzzles before I go to sleep.  My apartment is quiet.  Riley is twitching in a dream and hanging halfway out of her doggie bed.  My sushi clock is ticking.  Periodically I can hear a car drive by.  And that's it.  So much racket and chaos before, so much quiet now.

Today felt like such a sad day to be alone, but this picture buoyed me up for most of it.  Not so much my memory of it, but Jeph posting it.  Thanks, Jeph.

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