Friday, April 5, 2013

Finally Friday

I tried to update my Facebook profile by adding a job.  I wanted to put that I am a part-time earthworm rescuer, but I got denied.  Facebook says that is not a valid employer.  I am mildly annoyed that you can't add a job unless they decide it's valid.  I wondered how Amy was able to say that she works at getting weirder and sure enough- somebody created a fake employer called Getting Weirder.  Who is Facebook to decide which jobs are valid?  I bet the earthworms find it valid.

This morning I was involved in a very serious imaginary conversation with Ant and I got totally derailed by the comedy station on Sirius radio.

I just realized that I never find Solo under the bed anymore.  Perhaps she is feeling safer now.

My coworkers and I just briefly vacated our cubicles for the vacuum.  I noted that there were chips on my floor and both coworkers giggled, saying that there are no food particles on their floors... they both have service dogs.  There might be other crap on the floor, but no food.

This makes me think of poor Jody, who has one dog that rolls in poop, another that eats it.

Aaaaaaaaand... the phones have stopped.  At last.  Picture me dropping my headset on the floor and walking out the door.

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