Wednesday, April 3, 2013

You could totally skip this one.

Just a random tidbit here- I just went on Goodreads and found this simple little box that asked me how many books I wanted to read in 2013.  I answered and it immediately changed to a progress bar and told me that at my current rate, I'm two books behind.  I knew that (Goddammit, Rosey) but I'm so excited that there was this very simple way to track my resolution AND that I don't have to figure out how far behind I am.  How neat!  Thanks, Goodreads!  (This was not an ad.)

I seem to contain a lot less snot than this weekend, so how come I feel so much worse?  And tonight is supposed to be Zumba!  I have to show up at Zumba or they will all think I am a pathetic weakling who gave up after one class!  I get to escape work a little early today, but I am going to have to make sure I get everything done before class, because when I get home, I am going to take a shower and pass out.  Hopefully going to bed early will help me recover.  Ugh.

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