Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Maybe I should be taking Solo to class

Riley completed the advanced training class last night and passed her Canine Good Citizen test!

We're going to start another intermediate class next week, partially because there are some commands I still want to work on, but mainly to keep her meeting other people and dogs- to be petted and smelled as much as possible and stop snapping at every big dog that tries to say hi. Plus, I can retake any class I've already taken for free. I like getting her out of the house and we both need the socialization.

In other exciting pet news...

Solo sleeps curled up under my arm through most early mornings. I use my phone for my alarm and often use the touch screen's snooze button. This morning when the alarm went off, Solo reached over and touched the screen before I could! I have an automatic cat snooze button! This could create problems...

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