Saturday, April 6, 2013

Change of plans

I am so disappointed, but reminding myself that it's okay. I got a ticket to the basketball game that I wasn't even sure I wanted to go to. I was a little late, okay, but that never mattered before. This time, since it was the last game of the season, there were tons of people there. Plus, the bowling center where I park was having their convention, so their garage was full. Oh, but we could park at these two other lots... that are far away. If I had somebody with me, I'd be willing, but not alone. I looked around a while, but couldn't find a place I felt safe to park- either safe to leave the car or walk to alone. So I let it go. I am sad about this, and maybe you think I am a weenie, but I don't really care. I am reminding myself that I went to two Bighorns games this year, which is something I just never got to in the last eight years. I went once with a friend and once alone, not to mention the Harlem Globetrotters show, that I also went to alone. I would have gone to the TMCC show instead, but I was planning on eating at the game, so that'll be next weekend. I checked the $3 theater, but no. So it's onto Walmart to buy an eyelash curler, then go home, make some dinner, and watch some movies. It's okay. At least Riley will be happy.

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