Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Dressing in the dark again

When I wake up and don’t want to get up (which is every morning, just ask Tracy), I check out Facebook and other entertaining things on my phone.  This morning there was a post about record lows in Nevada yesterday.  I went to check out the weather for today.  16 degrees outside.  Hmm.  How about I stay in bed instead?  Tracy vetoed that as she does every morning when I text her that I don’t want to get up.
So I got up and picked out some warm layers and found my zippy on the floor, zipped up.  Hmm, that’s weird.  You’d think it would be unzipped.  If I pulled it off, you’d think there would be another shirt inside.  There was.  I just found it hanging out the back when I got to work.  I thought I felt very bulky today.  It’s a full-time job being slow.

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