Saturday, January 19, 2013

Rough Day

We had our first class today. And Riley was the one shaking in the corner, but she was at the head of the class! I don't imagine that will last once we get past the easy stuff. Today we practiced heeling and walked around the store, which was quite busy at 1:30 on a Saturday. The instructor and some of the other dog owners were giggling about how Riley CLEARLY needed to work on pulling, as she was the only dog in the class who was not. Well, she is 12.

We did a stay exercise with increasing distractions. During the last step, the instructor walked around the dog while bouncing a ball. Most dogs wanted to bite the ball- I figured Riley would be afraid it would hit her. She did well, though, because I was holding cookies. Cookie training. By the time we left, she was tired and definitely more relaxed than when we walked in. This will be good.

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